Friday, June 25, 2010

....what is this "home" you speak of?

In a few years I will undoubtedly look back on this summer with fond memories. Lots of driving, new adventures, new vistas to explore. The reality of lots of driving and living out of a suitcase, though, isn't quite as romantic. So I'm hoping I'll be able to look beyond the same seven days worth of clothes for four weeks and see the bigger picture.

So, yeah. Four weeks on the road is coming up. Woo hoo. But is it enough? I mean, is it REALLY enough time away from home? Apparently not.

I just got off the phone with a stellar friend in Vancouver (with whom I'll be bunking on the "almost home" leg of my cross-continental tour) and we've decided to attend Education Week together in Provo in August. So I'll be going back to Utah for a week, and will probably be away from home again for about two weeks.

We have really short summers way up here at 51°N. And I'll only be home for two weeks of it. My bedding out plants better still be alive when I get home.

Honestly, though, I'm stoked about this second excursion. I'm looking forward to this time spent with my dear friend Larraine, having a lot of laughs (we're soul sisters that way), and definitely looking forward to attending so many excellent lectures. I'm really going to be well-armed for teaching seminary in the fall!

This is going to be the most amazing summer of my life. Yay! :D

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